Having been initially approached by a representative of the tenants at Bridge House, we were employed to rectify an issue with a failing retaining wall which was potentially putting the structural integrity of the apartment buildings at risk.
The existing retaining wall was found to be temporarily supported and in extremely poor condition, with the prospect of collapse and potential further damage to the apartment buildings if left in its existing state.
Inscope immediately carried out inspections on site, along with desktop investigations into the records for the construction of the wall, with the hope of identifying the cause of the issues. This led to the discovery that the wall had never been designed to perform as a retaining wall and it had started life as a simple boundary wall, typical to that you would find in your garden.
We worked closely with our Structural Engineering consultant to design a new retaining wall for the property, along with a safe and cost-effective method of carrying out the works, which was tendered to our approved contractors. Once the tenders had been returned and a contractor selected, works were quickly mobilised and on site.
Over a period of 2 months, works quickly progressed and were closely monitored by us to ensure safety, efficiency, and quality. As a result of favourable conditions found on site once work had commenced, a more cost-effective method of temporarily retaining the ground was agreed, leading to a good saving for the tenants of Bridge House.
The end outcome of the project was a well-designed retaining wall, providing peace of mind to the tenants of Bridge House over the structural safety of the property. The tenants also made a considerable saving on the work due to the change in the methods of the construction. The feedback for the service provided by us has been great and we have since been awarded further work around the Bridge House site.