Terms of Use

Welcome to www.inscopegroup.co.uk (the “Website”) owned and operated by Inscope Group. Please read these Terms of Use and the accompanying Privacy Policy carefully before using this Website and/or submitting any personal information that could identify you (including but not limited to name, address, telephone number and email address). By using this Website, you signify your agreement to these Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use and/or the Privacy Policy, do not use this Website.

Disclaimer: The Material provided on this Website are for informational, educational and/or entertainment purposes only. Inscope Group makes no warranties regarding the reliability, truthfulness, accuracy, or completeness of any Materials. Unless otherwise stated expressly, any opinion, view or idea expressed in any article, review or story, or any content contributed or published by visitors in chat rooms or on bulletin boards or otherwise disseminated or sent to Inscope Group or others on or via this Website (“Visitor Content”) is the author’s own and does not reflect the views of Inscope Group or its affiliated and related entities, or its partners, sponsors, advertisers or content providers. Neither Inscope Group, its affiliated and related entities, partners, advertisers, sponsors or content providers are liable to any person or entity whatsoever for any loss, damage, injury, liability, claim or any other cause of action of any kind arising from the use, dissemination of or reliance on any Materials or Visitor Content provided on this Website. You agree to use this Website entirely at your own risk. Inscope Group and its affiliated and related entities, its partners, advertisers, sponsors and content providers disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose or that the Website will function error free or uninterrupted or that this Website or the servers that make it available for use are free of viruses or defects. Inscope Group and its affiliated and related entities, its partners, advertisers, sponsors, and content providers shall not be held liable for any information, services or products that are provided or offered by websites that are linked to this Website. The links to other websites are provided only as a convenience to you and do not constitute any endorsement of the linked websites or any information, services or products that are provided or offered by the linked websites You agree that you use any linked websites entirely at your own risk.

Visitor Content and Indemnification: Any Visitor Content provided by you to Inscope Group on its billboards, chat rooms or other means shall become the property of Inscope Group throughout the universe in perpetuity and Inscope Group shall have the right to publish, reproduce, disseminate, exhibit, or otherwise distribute and use the Visitor Content in all media now known or hereafter devised. By submitting Visitor Content to the Website, you agree to represent and warrant that such Visitor Content shall not contain any libellous, defamatory, obscene, illegal, threatening, or abusive materials and shall not infringe any intellectual property right or any other right of any person or entity and shall not breach any law. By visiting and using this Website, you signify your agreement to save Inscope Group, it’s affiliated and related entities, its officers, directors and employees harmless from any and all damages, legal actions or causes of action that may now or hereinafter arise as a result of your use of the Website and your breach of these Terms of Use and/or any representations and warranties related to the Visitor Content. Inscope Group monitors the use of its billboards, chat rooms and any posted materials and reserves the right to remove any Visitor Content and block access to any visitor for any reason at its sole discretion. Jurisdiction: This Website is owned and controlled Inscope Group, a company incorporated under the laws of the UK and whose head office is located in the City of Preston.

This Website is presented solely for informational, educational and entertainment purposes. Neither Inscope Group nor its affiliated or related entities make any representation, express or implied, that this Website will be available for use in or comply with the law of any country other than the United Kingdom. By using this Website, you agree that these Website Terms of Use and Privacy Policy shall be governed, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the UK as it is applied to contracts entered into and performed entirely within such province and you submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the UK.

Financial Loss and Credit Arrangements

Inscope Group are not a credit agent. Any funds deposited on this website in order to purchase credit is wholly non-refundable. Once credits have been purchased there remains no financial worth in them, their use is strictly for retaining visual access to listings made on site by advertisers.

Any material brought the attention of the site administrators deemed unfit, unsuitable, inappropriate, or likely in the eyes of the Inscope Group administration to cause offence will be removed and any credit remaining will in these circumstances be lost in lieu of administration charges. Inscope Group may then permanently remove the member from the site and ban future attempts to join.

Inscope Group do not in any way retain any financial obligations to or for any members, advertisers, or users of the website. In using www.inscopegroup.co.uk all participating parties agree to these Terms and Conditions herein.